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CAMTC Cert # 32572
Michael Chadwick
Certified Massage Therapist
Registered Craniosacral Therapist
Integrated Therapeutic Bodywork
I believe that therapeutic bodywork has the potential to help many people as they address a recent injury or navigate through a more complex healing journey with a chronic condition. I have seen the results of this first hand in my own life as a much needed resource to heal from multiple injuries over a number of years.
I love working with all kinds of people, appreciating how each person’s journey is unique, and seeing how this work can be gentle, relaxing, powerful, and transforming.
I started studying therapeutic bodywork in 2008 and since then have studied with many different organizations and teachers including the Upledger Institute, Body Intelligence, D'Ambrogio Institute, College of Craniosacral Therapy (London), Chikly Health Institute, and the McKinnon Body Therapy Center, I am a Certified Massage Therapist (CMT) and a Registered Craniosacral Therapist. Several of my recent teachers have been Osteopaths and several of the techniques I use were developed by Osteopaths.
Prior to the start of COVID, I offered in-person sessions. Once COVID started I converted my practice to doing distance sessions using Energetic Techniques. I have been doing these distance sessions since July 2020 and appreciate that distance sessions can yield very good results. Some people believe these energetic techniques work because of modern insights related to Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Entanglement. I tend to resonate with the concept of Non-Duality as a way of understanding this work. Most of the explanations boil down in one way or another to the concept that we are all connected.
I typically combine several modalities in my sessions including Energetic Balancing, Distance Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, BodyIntuitive, and BodyTalk. I also include influences from Osteodouce and Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (PDTR). For further details about these bodywork approaches see my Further Details web page.
If you would like more information about these techniques and my sessions, please feel free to contact me.
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